Yandina Community Gardens Inc. (YCG) is a membership-based community group dedicated to providing education and practical experiences in Permaculture Design Principles. YCG and “The Blue House” is a volunteer-run learning environment for Permaculture gardening. It was established for the community to gain practical skills in growing their own food and also features an old Queensland weatherboard house which has been retrofitted to demonstrate practical solutions to changing your home to be more sustainable.
Who We Are

We Believe we are all guardians of a more sustainable earth
Our Vision is to be a knowledge & demonstration hub for sustainable living
Our Purpose is to promote & demonstrate a framework of sustainable living
We Value: Biodiversity, Equality, Inclusion, Mutual respect for each other & all living things, Living lightly on the earth
Want to know more about our organisation click here
The Community Gardens demonstrate organic food production using Permaculture design principles
- Water-wise tropical vegetables are propagated in the nursery from stock grown in the gardens and are available for sale to the public.
- ‘Sustainable living’ projects demonstrate energy-efficiency and the use of renewable resources, for example, the solar hot water and photovoltaic systems on The Blue House roof and the’ straw bale shelter’ for the garden volunteers.
- The Gardens are an exceptional venue for Permaculture education and they are a meeting place not only for residents of Yandina but the greater Sunshine Coast community.
Our History
Our Garden
Come and take a walk with Morag Gamble through our abundant community garden…