Sagittaria sagittifolia syn. Sagittaria sinensis
Origin: South, Central and North America
Plant: Early Spring
Harvest: When leaves turn yellow and die back.
Arrowhead is a water plant, tubers are planted approx. 4-5 cm deep and spaced about 10 cm apart in soil in either a pond or tub, then covered with water 10-30 cm deep. Arrowhead is an easy to grow plant with no special growing requirements other than maintaining a cover of shallow water over the soil. It is very hardy plant, grows to 30 cm high and likes full sun.
The arrowhead-tuber flesh is cream coloured and can be eaten boiled, baked or fried, however, it should not be eaten raw. Simply boil tubers until tender, slice thinly and serve tossed in butter or sesame oil; alternatively, the cooked and cold tubers can be grated or sliced into a salad. The young shoots can also be eaten.