Perennial shrub with edible tubers.
Other Names: Manioc, Manihot, Tapioca, Yucca
Origin: South AMerica
Size: 2m high, 1m spread
Growing conditions: full sun
Propagation: Semi-hardwood cuttings planted directly into ground during spring to autumn.
Growing tips: Cassava will grow in any soil from sand to heavy clay (it’s often used to break up compacted clay soils). During extreme drought bushes may drop their leaves but spring to life again when rain returns. Avoid water-logged soils and plant in a raised mound if necessary. Can be grown as a hedge with 1 metre spacing. After 2-3 months of growth, mound up the soil around the base to encourage root growth. Tubers can grow 15-100cm long and weigh in excess of 5-6kg.
Use: Once tubers are harvested, they need to be processed (or cooked/frozen) within 2 days although they can be refrigerated for another 5 days or so. Variegated cassava can be eaten also but needs thorough washing and cooking to remove the bitter taste.
Tubers MUST be cooked with the lid off to deactivate the hydrocyonic acid after you have used a sharp knife to slice vertically to remove this thick outer skin which, when fresh, just peels away cleanly. Cassava can be boiled, baked, roasted, made into chips (our favourite), added to soups and casseroles, grated for cakes and many baked goods.
Availability in shop: all year, best in summer