Yandina Community Gardens Inc.
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 7pm
Blue House, 41 Farrell Street, Yandina
All positions on the committee become vacant at the AGM. We have accepted nominations for President and Treasurer and most of our current committee have also renominated.
We are seeking a new Secretary (Role Description) and welcome motivated and passionate general committee members. We meet monthly both in person and via Zoom. We keep meetings around 2 hours. If you’re looking to get involved in promoting a sustainable lifestyle on the Sunshine Coast we would love you to complete a nomination form prior to the AGM. (Nomination Form)
Please email nominations for Management Committee Positions to the secretary@yandinacommunitygardens.com.au or bring in to Robyn Matthews by Saturday 25th September 2021
Members are reminded that they must be financial members on the day of the meeting in order to be eligible to cast a vote – i.e., membership fees for the 2021/2022 year must be paid prior to 29 September 2021. If you have had trouble with the online Membership, please come in and see us to pay.
If you have any questions please contact us via email secretary@yandinacommunitygardens.com.au or come and visit.
Our usual soup and curry will be served at 6:30 pm before the meeting.