Yandina Community Gardens Members have been invited by Permaculture Noosa to join this us for an informative tour through Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond’s permaculture garden.
Morag is an international ambassador for Permaculture and teaches permaculture on a range of levels, making a difference across our planet.
Come and spend some time learning about the Crystal Waters Community, followed by a knowledge sharing Garden Tour with Morag.
*When: Saturday 26th October
*Where: 50 Crystal Waters, Conondale (Crystal Waters Permaculture Village)
*Where to meet: Park and meet at the Crystal Waters Village Green at 9:45am
*Cost: $2 for Permaculture Noosa, $5 YCG Members and $5 Gympie Permaculture Members.
*Time: Please arrive at 9:45 to sign in/register with Dee. If you bring a shared plate, hand it to Dee at registration, and be ready for a 10am tour start.
At 10am Morag will walk you from the Crystal Waters Village Green, giving an introduction to Crystal Waters Permaculture Village along the way, and finally ending up, up the hill in her permaculture garden.
PLEASE NOTE: There will be some walking involved so please bring your own water bottle, hat and walking shoes (sneakers). This tour is not wheelchair friendly.
If you choose to arrive early, the Crystal Waters bakery and Cafe is open from 8am. Delicious organic sourdough bread and treats, plus great coffee is available.
*Bring: We would love you to bring a plate to share for a great social sharing after the tour, or just come and join us. Tea, coffee and watermelon will be supplied. (As mentioned above, you will be walking from the Village Green to Morag’s garden, so Dee will take your ‘shared plate’ contributions at the Village Green at 9:45am Sign in/Registration and will drive them all up to the house once the tour is underway.)
Note: You MUST be a member of Permaculture Noosa, Yandina Community Gardens or Gympie Permaculture to attend. (This event is NOT open to the general public.)
To become a member of Noosa Permaculture, follow the link on our Permaculture Noosa website.
Background Information:
Morag is a permaculture educator who has taught around the world for 25 years. She is a global permaculture ambassador and global ecovillage network ambassador. This is her home & garden she shares with her husband and three kids.
Even though her family has been away for over 6 months this year including volunteering in Uganda and Kenya and teaching in the UK, their garden is still abundant and resilient (although not in its most beautiful state). Morag will share her simple approach to low-maintenance and drought hardy gardening – a garden that supports her busy life of running the Permaculture Education Institute
(https://permacultureeducationinstitute.org), creating free permaculture information through the Our Permaculture Life blog https://ourpermaculturelife.com and Youtube: https:youtube.com/c/moraggambleourpermaculturelife (both with over 2 million views each), and leading a permaculture charity, the Ethos Foundation (https://ethosfoundation.org.au).
Morag has often held permaculture workshops and school camps in her garden and activities for young people too. She also homeschools one of her children – her two eldest completed their PDC in East Africa on a course she was mentoring.
What you will see and learn about:
Permaculture applied at a village scale design
Social Permaculture/invisible structures
Permaculture Home and Garden
Drought-hardy, low-maintenance garden
Robust perennials
Keyhole water harvesting pathways
No-dig gardening
Worm towers
Owner-built home
Reedbed grey water system
Crystal Waters (https://crystalwaters.org.au) is a United Nations World Habitat Award winning ecovillage and Morag’s Garden was awarded a Glossies Edible Landscape Award.
You can see more about Morag’s garden and approach in her blog and youtube channel, and learn more about her online permaculture education programs here:
Permaculture Education Institute – Permaculture Educators’ Program: https://permacultureeducationinstitute.org
The Incredible Edible Garden (permaculture gardening course)
If you require further information – Contact Permaculture Noosa Open Garden Coordinator, Dee Humphreys on 0497754486 or deeianh@gmail.com