YCG is now an affiliate partner with the Permaculture Education Institute(PEI). This learning centre created by Morag Gamble one of the foremost Permaculture educators in the world gives you access to an online Permaculture design certificate (PDC) and Permaculture teachers certificate. By making your booking through us you are contributing financially to the gardens at no additional cost to you.
Did you know the call for permaculture-skilled people is growing around the world in a whole range of contexts – and it’s only going to get bigger? The world definitely needs people who can design permaculture systems and be great communicators and teachers too.
Imagine being able to facilitate, create and implement regenerative edible landscape designs for individuals and communities – urban and rural, and teach others how to do the same. It is a great way of life and such a fabulous feeling to be of positive service to people and the planet. Every day, you know your efforts are not only enhancing people’s health and lifestyles, but you are contributing to planetary health too.