For all the information about our Food Waste Loop Program, check us out here.
41 Farrell street, Yandina
Both our Volunteers and our Mutual Obligation Participants are a vital part of our organisation. If your are interested or just curious, please pop in and visit during our open hours to check out what we do. We look forward to welcoming new volunteers, if you come around 10am will will invite you to have morning tea with our current team.
When you are sure about committing, we will organize an induction with necessary paper work.
Once again YCG will have our stall in the ‘Big Kitchen Garden’ at the Queensland Garden Expo. Come and visit us. We will be seeking volunteers who can help us on the 4 days. We will let you know when we will be seeking volunteers – watch this space! Volunteers, get free entrance and parking.
YCG will once again be supporting World Environment Day (WED) at Cotton Tree Park. We need your help to volunteer at our stall. Please contact Lissa to register your interest as a volunteer. Call on (07) 5446 7373 or email
When & Where
Date: Sunday, 3 June 2018
Place: Maroochydore Rotary Park, Cotton Tree
What is World Environment Day?
A Platform for action
World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.
The people’s day
Above all, WED serves as the ‘people’s day’ for doing something to take care of the Earth or become an agent of change. That ‘something’ can be focused locally, nationally or globally; it can be a solo action or involve a crowd – everyone is free to choose.
The Theme
Each WED is organized around a theme that focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern.
Every Action Counts
Through decades of WED celebrations, millions of people from all over the world and from all sectors of society have taken part in environmental action. By bundling their energy, WED has the power to generate hugely positive impacts on the planet.
WED On The Sunshine Coast
Since 1979 The Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC) and environmental advocates of the Sunshine Coast have been getting together in the first week of June to celebrate World Environment Day. WED has been celebrated all over the coast, from the first time at Fairhill native nursery, many years by the Maroochy River at Cotton tree, Eumundi Markets and the University of the Sunshine Coast.
The festival has grown into the region’s biggest environmental event and holds the title of the longest running event of its kind in SEQ, maybe even the world. The 2012 Festival took out one of five categories in the UNEP WED challenge, giving WED SC international recognition.