Artemisia Verlotiorum
Common Name: Tree Mugwort, Verlot’s Mugwort
Plant: All year round
Harvest: All year round
Propagation: Seeds, cuttings or root division
A member of the “Sunflower family” this hardy, evergreen perennial grows to 1-3m height with a clean, fresh antiseptic-like aroma. It needs a sunny, well-drained spot and can survive through severe dry spells, growing successfully in temperate to tropical climates. Occasional pruning keeps the bush lush, thick and in good condition. Chinese Mugwort flowers very late in Summer (early Autumn) and reproduces mainly by stolons (runners).
This culinary herb was originally used to flavour beer (hence the name) or rub leaves over meat before roasting, add chopped leaves to stuffing and it can be added to flavour rice. Diabetics can take advantage of this herb and use small amounts of finely chopped leaves in salads to assist with digestion.
Mugwort can be grown along fences where animals can reach it as required to assist with internal parasites. There have been reports that growing mugwort besides guava or peach trees can help in deterring fruit fly. You can include mugwort leaves in a mixture of aromatic herbs as a pest-deterrent spray, adding a little soap or vegetable oil to help the liquid to stick to the leaves. Dried leaves can be places in sachets and used in cupboards as a moth deterrent.
A great herb to include in a Smudging Stick.