- Attendance at workshops is confirmed by full payment no later than the Monday preceding weekend workshops, or 5 days prior to any other workshop.
- Should a place become available due to undersubscription, cancellation or non payment within 5 days of the workshop, the full workshop fee is due immediately on enrolment and proof of payment will be required when attending the workshop.
- Enrolments on the day of the workshop will be at the discretion of the workshop co-ordinator in consultation with the workshop presenter if there is capacity to accommodate further participants.
- A full refund will be payable if requested prior to the Monday (or 5 days) prior to the workshop.
- Requests for refund outside this timeframe will only be made in exceptional circumstances on application in writing to the Committee outlining the reasons for the request. The decision of the Committee will be final.
- No refund will be given where a person fails to attend a workshop and does not notify the reason for the absence in the required timeframe.
- Workshops may be cancelled if there are insufficient enrolments. In this case a full refund will be made.